Monday, April 23, 2012

The Disappeared

Wow. I just realized that it's been nearly two months since my last post. That seems like an extraordinary amount of time, considering my goals for this site earlier this year. Unfortunately, I've been swamped with new work on my book. After three years and a number of edits, I wasn't happy with the middle portion of my 180,000 word fantasy novel. (For which I've already written about 700,000 words) So I went back to the drawing board, outlined where I thought the book needed to go, and I've been working on the new scenes (and characters) ever since. Fresh work takes more out of me than editing, however, which means I simply haven't had the time or the juice to write here.

That said, I COULD have posted, there's certainly been enough going on in the news lately, but I've been hesitant to post something that isn't well written. It isn't like I'm spending hours editing here like I would with my regular work, but I do feel an obligation to provide you, the reader, with something approaching readability. (and perhaps some info-tainment) Maybe it's time though, to just relax the glutes a bit and post anyway.

So, then word of warning. If any of my future posts possess massive grammatical malfunctions that cause you to toss and turn and throw heavy objects through your flat screen, drop me a comment and I'll make the appropriate adjustment. Sound fair?

Okay, I have to get back to work finishing this scene, but I'll try to have something up for you later this week.

