Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Deadlines, Book Signings, and the Oscars

My apologies for not posting recently. I'm hard at work on WINTER, Book V in the Desolate Kingdom series, and writing the first draft is more exhausting than any of the others. This is particularly true of us Panzers. (Writers who work without an outline) I have about four or five thousand words left, and I just haven't had the energy to post here. Thankfully, I should be done within the week, because there are a few things that have caught my eye recently.

As for book signings, thank you for your patience. I had a few issues with my second shipment of books, but they should be here in the next two weeks, which means I can finally start scheduling the first one, which will be held either in Richmond Hill or North York (Bayview Village). In the spring I'm hoping to schedule one in Welland, my hometown, and perhaps Ottawa. Again, thank you for your patience.

Reviews for The Last Angel continue to roll in, and they are as good as it gets. Every day someone knew messages me or emails me to tell me how much they enjoyed it and couldn't put it down. And many of those messages are coming from people who normally do not read fantasy. It's all been very encouraging, and I'm looking forward to releasing Book II, CITY OF SLAVES, on April 6th. The book is ready to go, and right now we're just working on the cover.

As for the Oscars, and the boycott by the Smiths and Spike Lee, I wanted to write a post about that from the perspective of a (white) novelist that had minority characters in lead roles. Ever since Gods and Kings was released, with Christian Bale playing the part of Moses, I've felt the urge to write about this, but simply haven't had the time. That remains true. Later this week perhaps.

Thank you all again for your patience. Once this first draft is done, assuming it doesn't kill me, I'll be able to blog more regularly. It should be done by the end of this week.

And remember, if you've read The Last Angel and enjoyed, please pass it on to someone and drop a quick review on Amazon or Goodreads for me. The amount of reviews determine how widely the book gets exposed. Thank you all so much!

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