Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Key to Finding Mr./Mrs. Right… is Selfishness

They were nuzzling each other in the checkout line directly in front of me, to the point where I turned slightly so as not to impugn on their moment. We've all witnessed the embarrassing teenage couples clinging to one another in outrageous public displays of affection, but this couple wasn't young at all. They looked to be in their mid-forties. He was short and balding, the woman even shorter with thick black hair and a tired, happy face. Their son, who looked to be about five, was quietly dragging a foam sword near the cereal aisle, and he responded quickly when his dad called him over and gave him a hug. I couldn't help but smile. This is what we all wanted, I thought. More specifically, I thought about my female friends and their frustrations in finding "Mr. Right", someone who they could count on as a partner and teammate. For all the advances we'd made towards equality, the most chauvinistic portion of our population was young men between the ages of 16-22. What that said about our culture, I could only speculate, but what it meant for young women was less abstract. It meant sifting through a populace that was not only increasingly disinterested in equality, but one in which violence continued to play a major role. Conditions in the church were no better. In some ways, the situation was worse, as young men purporting to be Christians did not seem to perceive a contradiction from their faith and their tendency to raise their hand against their wives. So many of my friends and acquaintances had given up, either marrying someone who was 'okay' or ending up with a man they were not proud to be with. It was better than being alone. Or was it? And why was it so hard for women to find "Mr. Right"? There weren't that many jerks, were there? Or were my friends simply being too picky. Whatever the answer, it was something worth looking into, if only so that I'd have something to say to my friends when they asked me yet again where all the good men had gone.


I have a confession to make. I'm happily married. And oh yeah, I've been married before. We were both miserable. Fortunately, my ex-wife met someone great after we broke up and became happily married. So we're both happily married now, just not to each other. I mention that because undoubtedly someone will read this and dismiss it because my credentials are 'impure.' Of course, my credentials are already impure because I'm male, and my advice is (largely)directed towards women. A couple of weeks ago however, I received an email from a reader/friend, who was frustrated by what she'd witnessed in the dating world and in her friends' relationships. "What's wrong with all these men? These so-called Christians are mean, ego-driven and often violent. What do I do?" Her letter touched a chord in me, because it was something I'd seen often the past decade in my work with youth and families. Especially young women in their twenties who were looking to the future. I'd seen the things she mentioned in her letter in my Seminary, supposedly the training ground for young pastors, in everything from the books we were forced to read to the attitude of many of the male students. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that whatever answers I did have were not going to be well received, and in many cases, would upset a lot of people. Would in fact make some people very angry. But I've never been good at hedging, even when it's pushed me into rocky waters.



Tyndale College University & Seminary is a red bricked building set amidst a series of quiet, rolling streets just north of Toronto. Million dollar homes are the norm in this largely Asian suburb, each house more precisely manicured than the next. About the size of an elementary school, it has evolved into the largest evangelical seminary in Canada, with over two hundred full time students and eight hundred part timers. When I moved to Toronto for graduate studies in the fall of 2007 I wasn't sure what to expect. Having long since given up my patriarchal zealot days of my early twenties – when I would talk about spiritual leadership and men (only)in the same breath – and having witnessed the tragedy of patriarchal tendencies, I was pleasantly surprised by my professors. Coming from a wide variety of Christian traditions, they were almost universally progressive and thoughtful. By the time I'd picked up the textbooks for my course on Leadership, I'd long since given up the fear that I would be subjected to content that promoted a 1950's domesticity and inequality towards women. That ended however, upon my reading of the text, Being Leaders by Aubrey Malphurs. In one of his 'helpful' appendices, he documented two leadership checklists. One for men. One for women. I still remember the way my stomach clutched at my throat upon reading about a woman's 'love for her children' and her 'support for her husband' (among others) as qualities necessary for leadership. There were no such checks for the men of course. For the men, the book listed things such as the necessity of being the husband of 'but one wife' and 'intellectually capable'. Even more disturbing than the book was the reaction by most of the male students, the exception being my best friend and one other, who didn't see anything wrong with the textbook and rolled their eyes when I continued to hammer my professor about it. "It's just a book, Steve. It's not a big deal." The women in the class were split nearly down the middle. When I expressed my outrage at the sexist ideas expressed in Malphurs' work, not a few of them shrugged. They'd seen it a million times. It wasn't THAT big a deal. That was, without a doubt, the saddest part of it all. The women who either refused to see the sexism or had seen it so many times before had given up hope of change.

Hard Truth: So long as we believe that we do not deserve equality in our relationships, we will never find it.

Hard Truth 2: Young pastors and young Christian men continue to be taught that misogyny is an acceptable part of the Christian faith. Unless women recognize that they have to apply their own 'filter' for sifting out men who will look down on them, they will continue to end up in relationships with preening, self-righteous jerks who treat them badly.

Sound harsh? Probably to some men reading this, men who honestly believe that they consider women as equals. Meanwhile, these are the same men who would never accept a female pastor or talk about spiritual leadership in the context of women. (Women should be silent!) They follow self styled leaders like John Piper who counsel women to stay in abusive relationships. Make no mistake, while there are some churches working hard to see equality and teamwork between the sexes, most churches teach male superiority, though they will clothe it with words like "function, not value", or that they are just "following the Bible."(The next time someone says that to you, ask them what they think of slavery. If slavery is not acceptable, although Paul specifically orders slaves to submit, then why are women supposed to be silent?)

Therefore, you need to develop a check list of your own for prospective suitors to answer. Frame your questions around things such as spiritual leadership and gender roles. If he/she shows an inclination towards a set roles for either gender, and believes spiritual leadership is for men, get up and run away. Do not look back. Forget how good looking he is. In five years you will be miserable, if not sooner. Don't ignore the warning signs ('shouldn't women take care of the kids, they're like, made to handle them.") Trust me, you won't regret it.


If my wife was twenty pounds heavier I never would have married her.

Sounds gross, doesn't it? Alas, it's true. And she's a size two, sometimes a zero.

What's also true is that if I hadn't lifted enough weights over the years to develop my body so that I can push three hundred pounds above my head, she wouldn't have been interested anyway. We laugh about it, but her interest was peaked as much by my arms as by my smile. (All I can say is thank you, Lord, for getting me to the weight room when I was seventeen.) Yes, her intelligence, kindness, faith and strong sense of self were just as important. But they weren't more important. They still aren't. The same is true for her. In all the church blather about the importance of a woman being 'godly' (whatever that means), and our rejection of the commercialization of sex and female bodies, we bury an important truth: that how we look matters. And not a little. It matters a lot. Being fit not only increases our likeliness to attract others, it speaks to something else, especially in an obese culture like this one. I watch how my wife treats herself, how she cares for herself, how hard she works to stay fit by eating healthy and working out hard, whatever her schedule. I've known a number of women through the years who are looking for a partner, and while they remain smart and kind, they have physically let themselves go. Unfortunately, they've been taught a set of lies, usually by obese men behind a pulpit who hammer away at the importance of 'spiritual' qualities and 'selflessness' without ever telling women that they need to be a little selfish. That they need to focus on taking care of how they look so they can stay independent and strong.

Now when a man says that a woman needs to stay in shape, it comes across, at the very least, as presumptuous, and almost always condescending. Unfortunately, the truth is that a woman who allows herself to become overweight gives up something far worse than simply her conditioning or her ability to choose better looking guys.

We don't think of fitness or being in shape in relation to our spirituality, mainly because we've spent the past two thousand years dividing our body from our mind and our soul. (These are Greek ideas.) But everything we do reflects what we believe, including how we take care of ourselves.

Hard Truth 3: If we're not willing to work hard (and it is VERY hard work) at staying fit, how can we complain when people do not find us attractive?

Hard Truth 4: The irony is that while being fit increases your chance of finding a significant other, you can't make fitness something you do for someone else. It has to be something you do for yourself.

A great part of the appeal in people who are fit are all the traits we unconsciously assign to them. Discipline. Self-control. Strength. Independence. Now these traits may not all be present, and not in every area of a person's life, but there is tangible proof that in least one area, that person is strong and consistent.

Start today by taking control of your life. Insist on creating time in your life for yourself to workout. Learn about eating healthy. Remember, you're not doing this to attract a partner (that's a side benefit), you're doing it for yourself. As a trainer, I've watched women come back into their own as they have taken ownership of their bodies, and consequently, their lives. You do not belong to someone else, and while you may one day share your life with someone, no one owns you. Treat yourself as you deserve, and watch the difference it makes in your life.


Waiting on God is difficult, especially when it comes to relationships. Through the years I've met a number of people who insist that God will provide them with a partner, that so long as they keep their faith, their long dreamed romantic relationship, fed through the commercialized Hollywood apparatus, will suddenly appear. The idea saddens me, especially as it relates to my fellow Christians, in so much as it's inherently pagan.

Hard truth 5: The idea that we offer up a sacrifice (our time, prayer, very specific prayer, singing) so that God will mysteriously bring a stranger to our small town, to our closed life, is a great load of bunk and has nothing to do with faith, and everything to do with people manipulating us so they can use us for their own ends.

I hear this a lot in church circles. I have friends who can tell me exactly what they want their wife to look like, or what their husband's accent will be. They have been taught (wrongly) that God answers specific prayer. That God is nothing more than a plaza for us to peruse. Another shopping mall for us to line up and get things. And they'll look you in the eye and tell you that faith is enough. That God will bring so and so just like Pastor Bobby Joe said. Frankly, the whole thing is insulting.

Hard Truth 6: How in the world can we expect to meet someone when we live in the same house, the same small town, with the same people? It's utterly baffling. We expect God to bring someone to us because we are too lazy or too scared or too comfortable to change our geography or go to a different church.

The problem is more perilous if there are children involved, obviously. In which case we have to be as proactive as we can to initiate contact with possibilities. The internet is a good example. I'm not a huge fan of internet dating, but it's better than doing nothing.

I believe that meeting my wife was God ordained. I honestly do. But if I hadn't left Ottawa to take on a new challenge with new people, it never would have happened. I'm not ashamed to admit that originally I'd hoped to meet somebody at Tyndale. Why not? We need to change this mentality that God wants us to be submissive waifs, refusing to move or change unless we hear the voice of Thunder calling from heaven.


Hard Truth 7: If you want to meet someone new, you have to meet new people. And that means adjusting your life so that will happen.

More than anything, we need to be more selfish. I know that sounds counterintuitive, but we need to do a better job looking out for ourselves if we hope to find someone else. We need to ask prospective suitors difficult questions, ensure that they believe in equality, and then walk away when we realize that they do NOT believe in equality. We need to guard our time selfishly, and stop saying yes to people who will rob us of our chance to be fit and healthy. People will always be grabbing for our time. Don't let them. And finally, we need to stop waiting around for God to do something and MOVE. Be active. Watch God move, but you go first! Our lives are more than relationships, so while it is wonderful to be happily married, your life is so much more than that. Waiting on God does not mean waiting as we would do in a doctor's office. Push forward, follow your passions, and don't get stuck when people try to hold you back. (Because believe me, families love to do this. And Christian men love to do this to women.)Live for God by remembering he created you and is happy with you and has plans for you OUTSIDE OF ANY RELATIONSHIP. Pursue those, and then watch as God brings people alongside you. One of them may even be suitable as a life teammate. Just remember, you have a few questions for them first.



  1. All I'm going to say is this: a woman's body size has nothing to do with her independence, her strength or any other quality that you deem as lacking.

  2. Maybe. Maybe not. But that is how it is perceived by most men and women who are single. That someone takes care of themselves physically indicates that they can, at least in one area, be self-disciplined and consistent. You're right, in that it isn't always true, but it is the common assumption of those who are single. Plus, attractiveness matters. I have a friend who I've known from high school. He's put on fifty pounds and can't figure out why he's still single, but refuses to work out or eat healthy. What do I tell him? Especially when my female friends tell me that he's nice but just not attractive? Is that "Christian"? I don't know, but it strikes me as both honest and human.

  3. Anonymous12:56 AM

    So what is going to happen when your wife has a baby and can't get back to her size 2??? You talk about equality, but you propagate old stereotypes.

    I feel sorry for your wife. You talk about her like she's a piece of meat. Or, maybe she's as shallow as you - in which case, you should be worried.

  4. The post is directed towards men and women who are single, without kids. (In direct response to a reader question) However, as I mentioned, its about health, not specific weight. If we have children, I expect that Bethany will work out as she always has, and that I will also. I understand your anger, the truth is very hard, especially when you've been lied to your whole life by people telling you that only the "inside" matters. Everything matters. Everything indicates who you are. If you read this blog, you know I'm not shallow. That you call my wife shallow because she likes fit men says something about you, I think. But again, I understand the anger. There is a difference between honesty and critical-ness. Honesty accepts its humanity and strives for more. Simply being critical of either yourself or others requires no real committment. You can brush off this article, tell yourself that everything is okay, but the fact that it caused such as response indicates that perhaps you've lost a bit of control somewhere along the way. Most women are pushed there by men, I'm sorry to say, who then complain about their 'girl' not being fit. You can't do it for a guy. You have to do it for you. My wife doesn't work out because I want her to. She does it for herself. So can you... believe me, you'll feel and see the difference...

  5. Steve, I've been reading your blog for a while now and I enjoy your writing. It always sparks discussion and thought and I appreciate it.

    I'd like to share some thoughts as I quite enjoyed this post and agreed with much of it (even as a single, slightly overweight, strong, independent female!)

    Early on Steve mentioned that women are looking for a partner and teammate and are finding jerks instead. I agree, but I would go even further. I, along with many of my friends, are Christian. Many of my girlfriends are dating or married to Christian men, who are generally nice guys, but they have this terrible desire to push their "godly and virtuous" wives to act in ways that drag the girls down. Almost all of them try to get their girls drunk or to be involved in less-than-legal shananagans. Meanwhile, my non christian male friends accept my decisions not drink or do things that are against my religion with respect. Thats not to say that some of them arent also jerks who push boundries but in a general sense its definately the Christian guys who are doing the pushing.

    How we look DOES matter. As Steve pointed out, our fitness level shows strength, dedication, commitment, and self control to others. Our fitness level isnt the only outward thing that speaks about our inward life. We display inner qualities in our cleanliness, how we dress, how much makeup we use, how we walk, our posture, etc. How we look definately matters, and it matters a lot. It speaks volumes to whats on the inside. Our self-esteem is make apparent by how we present ourselves. North American culture says that a strong woman who is confident and secure in herself is attractive to men and a woman like that displays it on the outside. She takes pride in taking care of herself and being fit and well dressed. There are, of course, some genetic factors in fitness, but everyone can and should work to be fit.

    Finally, some practical ways to meet new people (as I love practical application). I've found the best way to meet new people, especially great guys, is to volunteer with various organizations, join a rec league in your city, take a course at a local community college, and explore wider circles of friends through your already existing relationships.

    Thanks Steve for the post and please keep up the wonderful writing. I hope the book is going well.


  6. Steve, I've been reading your blog for a while now and I enjoy your writing. It always sparks discussion and thought and I appreciate it.

    I'd like to share some thoughts as I quite enjoyed this post and agreed with much of it (even as a single, slightly overweight, strong, independent female!)

    Early on Steve mentioned that women are looking for a partner and teammate and are finding jerks instead. I agree, but I would go even further. I, along with many of my friends, are Christian. Many of my girlfriends are dating or married to Christian men, who are generally nice guys, but they have this terrible desire to push their "godly and virtuous" wives to act in ways that drag the girls down. Almost all of them try to get their girls drunk or to be involved in less-than-legal shananagans. Meanwhile, my non christian male friends accept my decisions not drink or do things that are against my religion with respect. Thats not to say that some of them arent also jerks who push boundries but in a general sense its definately the Christian guys who are doing the pushing.

    How we look DOES matter. As Steve pointed out, our fitness level shows strength, dedication, commitment, and self control to others. Our fitness level isnt the only outward thing that speaks about our inward life. We display inner qualities in our cleanliness, how we dress, how much makeup we use, how we walk, our posture, etc. How we look definately matters, and it matters a lot. It speaks volumes to whats on the inside. Our self-esteem is make apparent by how we present ourselves. North American culture says that a strong woman who is confident and secure in herself is attractive to men and a woman like that displays it on the outside. She takes pride in taking care of herself and being fit and well dressed. There are, of course, some genetic factors in fitness, but everyone can and should work to be fit.

    Finally, some practical ways to meet new people (as I love practical application). I've found the best way to meet new people, especially great guys, is to volunteer with various organizations, join a rec league in your city, take a course at a local community college, and explore wider circles of friends through your already existing relationships.

    Thanks Steve for the post and please keep up the wonderful writing. I hope the book is going well.


  7. Thanks Shel,

    You're right, getting out and volunteering is a great way to meet people, especially if you want to meet compassionate people. :)
    And how we look is the most indicator of who we are. It's certainly not the only one, of course, but it's the obvious one. And it matters. What I liked most is your self assessment in your comment. In our society, it's pretty difficult to stay in shape. But why not do it with a sense of humour. The goal of being fit is not about perfection, it's about having fun and feeling good about ourselves. And that confidence always transfers when we're looking for someone. Again, it's not the only issue, because I've listed a few in the article. At the end of the day, someone who develops their confidence by working hard and thinking for themselves and becoming their own person (not someone else's ideal) is always more attractive.

  8. I apologize, but accidentally erased a comment from an anonymous reader. (Ms. TI, or I guess TH now, was that you? So good to hear from you! Even if you were a bit upset...) At any rate, feel free to email me @, okay. Apologies!!

  9. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Ha Ha. I hate it when I "accidentally" erase things too! Nice to know you are doing well. We had some good times :)

  10. Ms. TH!
    In truth, I did accidentally erase your comment, though I hadn't published it yet because I wasn't sure who had sent it! But I'll summarize it here. This website has served, ini many ways, like a journey diary, and I've always tried to honour concept of transparency, mostly because it was one of the factors that pushed me out of the church (though I am slowly crawling back) so many years ago.

    For those of you who don't know, Ms. TH is a wonderful girl that I had the privilege of dating for a numbr of years when I was younger. Her comment, in short, was that I used to make her paranoid about her weight, that I was worried about her getting fat, and that I'm a self-righteous hypocrite.
    So my response is... yes, I was. I also believed, as a patriarchal fundamentalist zealot back then, that women existed to serve men. That how she looked was a reflection of me. It's disgusting, how I used to view women. But her comment sort of proves my point of the article. She figured this out, applied her own filter, a la point one of the article, dumped me, and married a great guy and has a wonderful family. It took me ten years before I realized I had this whole guy-girl thing all wrong. (Bethany married me at the right time, I think) However, the point about being fit is very different when the motivation is different. What I mean is that encouraging people to stay in shape, not belying the obvious health benefits, and especially for women, and doing it for their own sense of independence, is still important. A woman commented on Facebook that in her first marriage her husband used to go to the gym and leave her with the kids all the time. he met someone younger and prettier and she was left with the kids, no control, and no sense of self-worth. Believe me, I know what it looks like when I write about being fit, Ms. TH. But I've seen some amazing changes in people who DO take control. Women who refuse to let themselves ONLY be known as a mother. The article was written towards single people, however. On a personal note, I love to touch base with you, Ms. TH -- and not just, um, tick you off -- if you send me an email I'd love to hear how you're doing. Sounds like you guys are doing well?! (For those of you new to the site, the answer is yes... we keep it as transparent as possible here. You're welcome to join the discussion.)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. The deleted comments were simply repeats I accidentally posted, in case you were wondering why I deleted myself

  13. Anonymous9:44 AM

    If a woman is fat and is not complaining why she is unattractive to men, then she is not one of the women the author is referring to. This blog is about women, who are complaining that they are fat but when told to exercise and control their eating habits will only say that they have no time for that. I do believe that Steve is honest about the physical aspect being important. I do not want that my husband will develop a big belly. I want him to maintain his exercise routine.

  14. Thanks for your comment. The blog is actually aimed at men AND women, when it comes to the fitness part. Working out and eating healthy makes us feel better about who we are. This is true both emotionally and neurologically. (Although I'm sure the two are linked) I don't care what a person weighs, all i can tell you is that when I see people working hard to stay fit, I see more joy, more laughter, and a far greater sense of 'relaxed'
