Friday, July 30, 2010

Sex: What Religion and Pornographers Don’t Want You to Know

Kyle stood numbly in front of the church leadership. He was a big, sprawling redhead who always had a smile for people, and when he led the worship portion of the service, did so with sincerity and reverence. Today however, his face was glum. I sighed and looked over at the men and women in leadership. There was some sympathy in the younger set, but the deacons, the ones who comprised the lay leadership and handled the church finances, did not look happy. Brad – the church treasurer – looked at the others before finally breaking the silence.

"We accept your apology, Kyle. But you'll have to step down from leadership. We can't be having immorality in our leadership, and while I know you love Sarah, you aren't married yet."

Kyle nodded, his face red. Someone in the church had caught wind that his relationship with his long time girlfriend had become sexual and reported it to my senior pastor, who'd then gone to Kyle with it. Kyle had confessed that they were having sex, and Pastor Hall had told him that he'd have to apologize to the leadership of the church, and that they would go from there. I'd tried to excuse myself from the meeting, but Pastor Hall had been adamant that ALL of the leadership needed to be there, including the youth pastor.

"Is there anything else, Kyle?" Brad said.

"Um, no, sir." His words tumbled out in a half slur, a stark contrast from his singing voice, which was strong and clear. "I'm really sorry about this. I love Sarah, but we sinned. I love God so much…"

Pastor Hall stood up. He was short and stout, and his white hair was thicker than mine, although he was well into his sixties.

"Thank you Kyle. We know that wasn't easy. We'll give you our decision later this week."

Kyle mumbled something under his breath and walked out. I followed him to the parking lot a few minutes later after a word with my boss, but he was already gone. I knew what the Bible said about leadership and expectations, but the whole experience felt dirty to me. At least the leadership wouldn't gossip about it, I knew that much. My church was small, about a hundred and fifty people, but when it came to things like this, there would be no discussion with other members. Pastor Hall wouldn't tolerate it. Still, it didn't change what had happened, or the fact that I felt like I'd bathed in dirty water. And it wasn't Kyle's sex life that had me feeling like a creep.


Growing up in a small town in a conservative home meant information about sex was not forthcoming. Rumours and whispers after school when I was young, chatter in the locker room and at parties as I got older. I was still a virgin when I became a youth pastor, and I still knew relatively little about sex. That made it tough, because as a youth pastor, the one thing teenagers (well, all of us) are especially interested in, is sex. What I did know was that it was wrong. Sinful. A crime against your body. Unless you were married, of course, at which point it underwent a startling transformation to something amazing and wonderful and a special sign of your love for your spouse. That's what I knew, so that's what I taught. The internet was in infancy back then and pornography still required a visit to the video store or the magazine rack, but there were nights when I caught glimpses on flickering, blocked cable stations. It was sin, that much I knew, but there was something exciting about probing the darkness around a topic that was completely not only muted in the religious circles I travelled in, but a topic I knew so little about.

It wasn't until I'd left the ministry that porn became more interesting to me. That coincided with its availability as the internet blossomed. Even when I became engaged, I found porn to be more and more enticing. I was twenty four, and what I knew about sex could be summed up in two sentences. Sex outside of marriage was sin. Sex was great. That was the sum total of my knowledge, which, looking back, is mildly terrifying in that I was teaching others about it. I railed against pornography, and joined in condemning it with my Christian friends, while secretly watching it on occasion. Unfortunately, I never learned anything new about sex. All porn did was reinforce what the Christian books said about sex being guilt inducing and sinful. I felt dirty every time I looked at it.

What no one had prepared me for, however, was the marital transformation, the point where sex stopped being sinful and suddenly became wonderful. Despite the sudden "freedom", and the fact I engaged all the "Christian" jokes with my friends about being a "do-er of the Word", sex was never great. It wasn't even good. Mostly, it caused problems. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I read a number of 'Christian' books on the subject, but they were no help at all. Mostly they parroted one another and kept sexuality in a guilt laden frame. It would be a number of years before I learned that what I thought I knew about sex was either a myth, or misinformation used to control me. And even then, I rejected it, because the human tendency is to hold to our illusions, even when they're destructive.

What I never expected however, was to be confronted with the truth that most religions (Christianity, Mormonism, Islam) view sex the same way pornography does.


Religion and pornography have seemingly always been at odds with one another, ever since the advent of photography and later film turned porn into an industry. (For the purposes of brevity, we'll skip the naked drawings and sculptures that have marked all civilizations of recorded history, along with the growth of pornography as technology has made it more available.) The two have always been seen as enemies, with religions uniting in the fight against pornography, their members leading the charge in cities and states to have it banned. And yet, the relationship between the two is not what it seems. Just as most people mistake love and hate as being opposites, with the true opposite of love being apathy, religion and porn are not opponents. They are, in fact, step-children of the same parents, children who squabble and make a lot of noise in public, but fall asleep at night in the same bedroom.

Religion perceives pornography as sin. An abomination. A dark evil. Most of that has to do with lust, the idea that any 'lust' outside of your marriage partner is sin. According to most religions, watching other people having sex and being excited by it is not only sinful and wrong, it's gross. Why would anyone watch that? They must be perverted.

Pornography perceives religion to be upheld by a bunch of uptight jerks that are self-righteous and deny their own humanity. Sex is not only good in marriage, but all the time. Isn't that what freedom is for, and clearly, sex feels good. So why not experience it as often as you can? Besides, watching porn is not the same as having sex with someone else. Why not celebrate the human body and watch other hot bodies go at it? What's the harm?

There would seem to be no middle ground between the two, except that both religion and pornography endorse a shallow and immature view of sex. Pornography is senses based, and so promotes that aspect of sex. With a nod to the fact it does feel good (sin feels good), religion considers only the spiritual aspect of sex, is it sin or not. The end result is that most people have no understanding of the deep complexity of sex, and the joy that comes from an intimacy based approach, one that is freeing without being moralizing. Because our need for sex is so powerful, both religion and pornography use it to advance their own ends. Pornography to make money. Religion to control its adherents. Understand that when I say religion, there are no doubt clerics out there who do their best to promote a more complete view of sex. But religion, by its very definition, is incapable of nuance.

But the most disturbing aspect of this is how the two shallow views of sex actually promote one another. That is to say, the more religious people talk about the evils of sex outside of marriage and how degrading porn is, they more they serve to add to porn's growing audience. The reason for that is not only the tendency of people to explore "darkness", but the sense of freedom in pornography when it comes to sexuality. For those raised in a culture of sexual shame, pornography presents sex as a celebration of something innately human. Unfortunately, porn is not actually about freedom. All it does is objectify an incredible gift and turn it into a pretty package so you will spend more money. Even more damaging is the implication within porn is that sex is merely a physical act. Watch enough porn and it dominates how you look at people, and how you measure them. Suddenly, people become commodities, and most of the time that means women. But when a religion argues that it has stood against porn for exactly that reason, they're lying through their teeth. For example, if Catholicism was interested in a mature, positive view of sex, it never would have banned contraceptives. As it is, it practically promotes pornography as the only alternative to a very human need.

We may not like it, but the truth is that religion funds pornography. Religion uses sex to sell its ideas of morality and porn uses religion to sell its false sentiments about sexual freedom.

Instead of hating porn, religious people should be dismissing it as we do childish views about the world, and looking to the positives that we can find in an intimate, emotionally connected relationship.

That isn't to say that porn is not destructive. Of course it is. And no matter what or who you read, there is little evidence to support the idea that porn is helpful. However, the market for it continues to grow, which means that it is filling a need. It's just not filling that need in a positive manner.


Porn is an addiction. That's what we've been told by psychologists and experts, and there's a growing list of textbooks and articles that deal with it. Unfortunately, the addiction label isn't very helpful in that it, once again, frames an immature sexuality within a negative frame. It certainly doesn't point us towards a healthy sexuality. Instead, it has become simply another item to add to the growing list of things people are 'addicted' to. A sampling of other addictions could include television, sugar, coffee, nicotine, sex, football, alcohol, marijuana, working out, candy, movies, Starbucks, work, fashion, cars, dating, computers, Facebook, food, and religion. There is not enough space here to debate our tendency to rank addictions, some of which are considered very bad (drugs, alcohol, porn) and some which are considered mild. (caffeine, candy) But we miss the point in that addictions are nothing more than ritually repeated behaviours which we use to help us deal with certain issues we have either not addressed or do not understand. That is, addictions are ALWAYS symptomatic of something else, and while they can reveal the destructive nature of people (think drunk man on a rampage) the problem is not with the thing which holds us, but the emotional and spiritual structure within the individual who manifests the symptoms. Professional, unbiased counseling often helps when it comes to addictions (we still have to be open to what we hear), so much as it helps us learn more about ourselves and teaches us new and healthier ways to deal with our issues. That's why religion is often ineffective when it comes to addictions, because it simply paints behaviours as sin but refuses to address the real issue. (There are a number of enlightened churches that reference professional counselors, and they should be commended for that.)

When it comes to pornography however, we do not regard it as we do other addictions. Within Christianity (as with most religions), pornography is simply evil, with no further explanations offered. Men and women who watch porn are perverts and sinners. And yet, in religious circles, the extreme levels of disgust directed towards pornography are completely inappropriate, and yet consistent with our fascination with "sexual sin." In biblical tradition, the most galling sin is pride. But you don't see people marching to remove pride from their town. You don't see lectures and townhall meetings and conferences to serve the need for more humility. You don't see religions uniting to talk about the need for humanity to be honest about their faults and admit them to the Creator.

Instead, religion commodifies sex in the form of negative advertising and sells its message to promote its own ideas about morality. It uses the mystery and power of sex for self-promotion in the same manner that pornography does, and in so doing, ignores the crying need in the populace for a better model of what sex is and what it can be. In short, it sells its soul for more adherents and more power.


Religion has created an aura of shame around our sexuality. Within Islam, that view is reflected in the treatment of women as sexual tempters and lesser citizens. Within Christianity, we can effectively date much of our current "shameful" view of the body back to Augustine and the predominant Greek influence of sinful flesh and the purity of the soul, a duality that did not exist within Judaism until after the first century.

When I think back over my life these past twenty five years, since the time of my first embarrassing erection, my ideas about sex have been largely guilt inducing. No freedom. No gratitude towards God for giving us such a powerful gift. In that way, as with many people I have counseled and spoken with through the years, both in and out of church, sex has been both the seed and seat of true dysfunction and a great deal of pain.

That isn't to say that I have it all figured out, because I do not. I have learned some things however, like the understanding that there is a difference between our genital prime, which happens at a relatively young age, and our sexual prime, which doesn't happen until late into our forties and early fifties. All of this impacts our view not only of life, but the foundations on which we build our relationships. Sad to say, neither religion nor porn do much to help, and in fact, have evolved into a destructive tandem that is not interested in what is best for us, and works actively to keep us in our sexually built hovels of ignorance. We may not like it, but sometimes the thing our religion wants and what God has for us are not the same. And that framing our sexuality in a culture of evil only serves our maddening tradition of defining ourselves only by what we are against.

Do you believe God wants the best for you? Do you believe God wants you to be in a healthy relationship? Do you believe that God, who created you, finds sexuality dirty and shameful? No. Neither do I. How about we move together then, towards a healthier sexuality and remove the stigma of shame from our discussions. Perhaps then we will no longer see the need to embarrass people in the name of our God, and in so doing, embarrass ourselves.


Authour's Note: I highly recommend Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch. For many people, including myself, it's been a life changing book.

Authour's Note II: As always, names and places are changed in my examples to protect the privacy of people.


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Hey Steve, it's Jason.

    I liked the article. But, I just wanted to mention that there is a growing ethical porn movement.

    With the incredible internet access available in North America, the largest demographic of porn consumers is now married couples in their 40s. This has lead some of the larger players in the online porn industry to alter their aesthetics to market themselves to this audience. We are seeing many more porn actors in their their 30s, 40s, and 50s; we are seeing a wider variety of body types; we are seeing a return to narratives; we are seeing 5, 10, & 20 minute interviews with the actors before and/or after their performances; we are seeing healthier actors (i.e. no drugs); and we are seeing an opportunity for 'fans' to interact with the actors. While I wouldn't say that these websites are presenting us with typical/normal/real sex (just like Hollywood movies don't present us with typical/normal/real life), they are ultimately re-humanizing the sex which had been previously dehumanized in the industry. And I haven't even begun to talk about the Feminist porn industry yet.

  2. Hey Jason,

    Thanks for the comment. :) A couple of things. With porn going mainstream, as you have mentioned, there have been some changes, some positive changes as the ones you documented. However, there is far more of a growing trend towards nastier, darker, and vicious porn. Rape and torture porn, etc... as was documented in the book The Porning of America by Sarracino and Scott. While I don't like the labels we associate with porn, it's still destructive, even the most seemingly benine stuff, because it remains sensory based. It does not encourage people towards long, emotionally connected, monogamous and intimate relationships, the healthiest kind of relationship and the kind we're supposed to have.
    For example, take Abu Gharib, which journalists have found was essentially a den of porn. Religion aside, there's no question there was a relationship between the torture the soldiers used on the prisoners and the 24/7 affinity with porn. The other issue with porn is that it always implies something other than monogamous relationships. From what I've read and the counselors I've spoken with, monogamy is the healthiest form of relationship, and the others are all cheap substitutes. I'm not even talking about happiness here. I'm talking about exploring the emotional intimacy you can create with one other person through the years as you develop the relationship.
    As I said, i can appreciate the differences with the porn world, but like religion (not individual churches, who, with enlightened leadership, can enhance the quality of their parishioners relationships. I'm talking about the 'creed' of an organized institution.) porn inevitably offers a shallow and cheap alternative, no matter how well meaning. And for the record i do think it's sin, I just don't think it's the world's greatest evil. There's too much pride and self-righteous congratulation from so-called religious types who are just as flawed, and yet blinded by their own vain glory.
    I appreciate the comment, Jason. There aren't a lot of people who will say anything, I think, because of the fear that dominates any discussion when it comes to sex.

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I would like to thank you for writing this

    I agree deeply with you, specifically where you state your belief that addiction is ritualized behavior to help a person cope, that is a signifier and a symptom of something much deeper.

    I went to Sexaholics Anonymous for a year and managed to abstain from sex, masturbation and viewing pornography with greater and lesser success.

    The admissions from others in the group on illustrated to me that I wasn't really all that unusual.

    I never made it to Step One. I refused to believe that God made me broken.

    Furthermore, by purposely abstaining, sex and lust became the elephant in the room, the thing that every conversation was about because you could not use the words. Giving in to the release became all the more delicious.

    I'm still dealing with the costs of ritualized behaviors, it's true.

    But I've found repeatedly that facing who I am, in the darkness, gets me much farther. By admitting I am a human male with human male desires, and accepting this, I am more whole, and I am in a much better place where I can be grateful for all that is.

    Though I do believe in God, I am no longer religious. I do not believe my God would stain me with ink.

  4. Hi Anonymous,

    Thank you for your comment. Although you haven't identified yourself, it still takes guts to be vulnerable like you've been in sharing about yourself. I'm sure there are a number of readers who would identify with you.
    Let me say that I'm not a fan of SA, except that it allows people to see that they are not alone in their desires, and that they are not "abnormal". I would always advocate counseling, when it can be afforded, because it allows one to work through the guilt and shame that we (and others) heap onto ourselves, which usually perpetuates the cycle of self destruction.
    The literal translation for sin is missing the mark, and in that, porn does miss the mark. (So does religion sometimes, especially in destructive communities) So does being selfish. What we have done though, is create a frame of guilt and shame around, as you say, normal desires. (though I would say it is true for both men and women) When we put, for example, a group of men in the corner of our church, and make them whisper about their fears and longings that seem to be at odds with what everyone else feels (it isn't true, it is just perceived) we simply continue the cycle of destruction, and lead people to walk away from the church. They are not shiny and happy like everyone else seems to be, and so eventually the "dual life" pushes them into believing the church is full of hypocrites. The reality is that most Christians are simply scared. Scared to be honest, afraid what the community would think of them if they didn't keep up their image, worried that so-called "prayer groups" would kill them with gossip. This is a very real fear, and the only way for it to change is for people to step forward, and challenge those who act in a self-righteous manner. Individual communities of people, no matter the reason for their gathering, establish hierarchies, and so naturally create a "political" group. The only way to fight this is to be strong and honest, and if the particular gathering is spiteful and toxic, to leave and find another. I understand why you left the church, I did too, but there are a lot of great communities out there, people who are understanding and will pray with us, confess with us and laugh with us, and the benefits of those groups are priceless. The ideal, I think, is working through our life in community.
    As to the idea of broken-ness, I've never had a problem with that. It simply means I'm not perfect. It also means that God understands my desires because He made me. We are all broken in some way, but what leads people away from that idea is the projection from certain communities that they are NOT broken. That they are somehow morally superior. The Pharisees were like that in the gospels, and Jesus had, err, a few words for them about it.
    Again, I so appreciate your comment, and hope that you will continue to work towards the best God has for you. My belief is that it is not a place alone, but that will be for you to decide. :}
    Much love,
